Pyng: HTTP pager
HTTP Pager is a generic pager which is able to send HTTP requests.
HTTP Pager requires curl command to be
present in $PATH.
HTTP Pager supports following options, which may be used upon creation
of a new pager object:
- url
Target URL for the request
- method
GET, POST or PUT method for the request
- headers
Dictionary of HTTP headers to use for the request
- query
List of name=value query data pairs to append to the
- data
List of name=value data pairs to send in the request
- json
A JSON encoded string to send in the request, or a list, tuple
or dictionary to encode as JSON and send in the request
- ipv
IP version to use when resolving addresses (IPv6 or IPv4)
- noverify
Set to True to skip TLS certificate verification
- auth
Username and password to use for server authentication, provided
as a tuple with two elements, or as a string with username and
password separated with colon (":")
In addition, HTTP Pager supports following generic pager settings:
- desc
Pager description
- target
Default pager target, which is used as default recipient of
pager messages in the pager's
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