Pyng: Sendmail pager


Sendmail Pager is able to send email alerts and notifications using the system sendmail command.

Sendmail Pager requires sendmail command to be present in $PATH.


Sendmail Pager supports following options, which may be used upon creation of a new pager object:

Sender information to use directly in the message From header (required)
Dictionary of message headers to use in the message

In addition, Sendmail Pager supports following generic pager settings:

Pager description
Default pager target, which is used as default recipient of pager messages in the pager's alert() and notify() methods


pager = SendmailPager(
    sender='pyng <pingmaster@domain.example>',
        'X-Pager': 'Sendmail',

# now you may use pager.alert() in the alert parameter in the checks,
# and pager.notify() in the notify paramter in the checks. alternatively,
# you may assign result of those methods to variables and use those in the
# checks

alerter = pager.alert()
notifier = pager.notify()	

# alerter may be used in the alert parameter, and notifier in the notify parameter

# alert() and notify() methods will call send, with target
# given in alert() or notify(), or the default target given
# when creating the pager object

# calling send() may be used to test the pager
#pager.send('short summmary', 'longer message...')

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